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GiftCard Tariff

Mastercard / VISA

Effective as of 01.01.2019

Service description Fee / EUR
Physical GiftCard issuance 5.00
Virtual GiftCard issuance 2.50
GiftCard reissuance 6.00
Payment on POS terminal 0.00
Online payments for goods and services 0.00
Activation of GiftCard 0.00
Service fee physical cards – charged after 6 months from GiftCard issuance date (until card balance depletion)
Service fee virtual cards – charged after 6 months from sending the GiftCard to the end customer (until card balance depletion)
3.00 monthly
Dispute of a payment transactions through Mastercard or Visa 15.00
E-money redemption fee 10.00
Setup fee of new 3 months period for sending the virtual GiftCards 10.00
GiftCard limits Amount / EUR
Minimum GiftCard value 30.00
Maximum GiftCard value 250.00
Maximum order value 1000.00
Corporate GiftCards as per signed agreement

Private Label

The conditions and tariff for usage of different GiftCard Private Label can vary depends on the Merchant program.